Dr. Schatz
was drawn to Family Medicine from the first time he knew he wanted to be a physician. In a world of increasingly specialized and fragmented medicine, he feels that the Primary Care Physician continues to be one of the most noble and admirable positions. Something deep within him cherishes the opportunity to aid someone on their life’s journey bringing them from a place of sickness, sadness, and disease to healthfulness, happiness, and vigor. To him, there is no better medicine than getting to truly know someone, developing a relationship with them, and helping to steer their ship to clear waters.
Within Family medicine, Integrative medicine, which focuses on nutrition, exercise and mindbody, is his true passion because of his own personal journey. Celiac disease and Ulcerative Colitis have been a part of his life since 2006. At that time, nutrition became an ever-present concern. With a solid base in biochemistry, studying nutrition came easily to him, and he quickly became immersed in this subject, approaching its expansive and at times contradictory nature like Bruce Lee approached martial arts when he created Jeet Kune Do: by absorbing ideas that were useful and discarding what is not. But by 2010, after nearly 4 years of intense research, he came to the realization that he was still not healthy. He took the pills, he took the advice, but something was missing. He had simply resigned himself to living with his illnesses, rather than overcoming them.
That fatefull fall of 2010, he realized something profound. Hobbled by sports injuries, he set out on a journey to find out what truly was the cause of his recurrent hamstring strains. He assumed to find that it was due to genetic predisposition or musculoskeletal deformity, but what he discovered forever changed his outlook on his health and healing. He learned that his pain and injury were because of poor running technique, and reliance on thick-soled footwear. What he had always presupposed was just a problem inherent to his body, was rather a product of what he was doing to his body. This entire time, he had been operating under the assumption that his body was wrong, stupid, and weak, and that he was right, smart, and strong. But as soon as he realized that the body is ultimately much wiser than he will ever be, and is simply doing the best that it can with what it is given, he unlocked the secret to true health that has him today stronger, fitter, happier and healthier than ever. His passion and life’s work lies in sharing this secret with every one of his patients so that they too can tackle their own life’s work with passion and zest.
Dr. Schatz truly cares about his patients, and it shows by how he carries himself in the office. His demeanor is calm, his temperament is compassionate, his words are empathetic, his personality is professional, his strength is loving kindness, his hidden trait is humor, his creativity is his writing, his grounding is in meditation, his indulgence dark chocolate, and his fun is Family and the Outdoors.
Dr. Schatz has a decade of experience in Integrative and Functional medicine and has successfully treated hundreds of patients with the following disorders:
Metabolic diseases: Metabolic Syndrome/Obesity/Heart Disease/High Cholesterol/High Blood Pressure
Autoimmune diseases: Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis, Multiple Sclerosis, Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA), Lupus (SLE), Dermatomyositis, Crohn’s and Ulcerative Colitis, Interstitial Cystitis (IC), etc.
Hormone diseases: Hypo/hyperthyroidism, Adrenal issues, Male Hypogonadism (Low Testosterone), Female Hypogonadism (Post menopausal Hormone Replacement Therapy or HRT)
Gastrointestinal diseases: Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD - Crohn’s and Ulcerative Colitis),
Neurological diseases: Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s and other types of dementia and cognitive decline
Chronic Fatigue Illnesses: Special emphasis on the constellation of POTS/hEDS/MCAS/ME/CFS
Please know that if you are looking for someone to treat your Lyme Disease with antibiotics or other antimicrobial treatments, Dr. Schatz has not yet attended any specific Lyme Disease treatment conferences through ILADS. He has still helped dozens of patients with Lyme disease through other Integrative/Functional means (when you make the body healthier the Immune system tends to remember what it’s supposed to do) and would be happy to see you for a consultation but be aware that if you need antibiotics/microbials it would be best to find someone who has this type of training.
Special Emphasis on Long Covid (aka Post-Acute COVID-19 Syndrome) - Dr. Schatz has a special interest in Long Covid having been able to resolve this syndrome in dozens of his patients who were unable to find effective treatments through other means. He has authored book chapters on this topic and given multiple lectures at Functional and Integrative National Conferences.